Having started martial arts training aged 8, I have always had a fundamental drive to explore movement and the mind. I remember being drawn equally towards the spiritual aspect of martial arts as well as the physical practice.
This exploration of movement also led me into the dance world and I competed both nationally and internationally in Latin, Ballroom and Disco between the ages of 10 and 17. There’s a great deal of crossover between martial arts and dance; both require fluid, yet controlled movement, body awareness, spatial awareness, strength and flexibility. These are also fundamental components of a fit and healthy body and ones that I help clients to develop themselves.
David's Background
I realize I have also always had a desire to teach. As an ex-engineer, I appreciate the amazing mechanical components of the human body and will talk endlessly about them to anyone who’ll listen! When I work with clients, I like to explain why I am giving them particular exercises in a movement session or why I am working on a particular joint in a manual therapy session. The more an individual can understand their own body and tune into it, the more healthy they will become and the less likely their chances of injury or pain.
I have participated in numerous sports over the years and my early years of one to one training focused on improving my clients’ biomechanics. This was essential for sports specific training but also just for everyday life.

As I continued to study and work with people, I realized I was coming back full circle to the martial arts, recognizing the importance of a client’s mental and emotional well being as well as their physical abilities. As I began to study different hands on techniques I was reminded of Amatsu, a series of manual applications based around structural integrity that I was taught years ago when I studied Taijutsu. As I formally gained a number of manual therapy qualifications I appreciated a fuller understanding of these Amatsu techniques and still layer them into my therapy sessions.
When I’m not working with clients or studying, I can be found (if you can catch me!) racing round the streets of London on my road bike or out with my ‘velcro’ dog, Jiemba, who reminds me every day to keep life simple and stay present. I also have a vast vinyl collection and putting on a record in the evening, post dog walk, is my ultimate way of winding down.
HNC Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)
HND Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)
British Karate Kyokushinkai (BKK): 2nd Dan
Gaijin Ryu Karate Association: 4th Dan
NASM: Anatomy, Physiology & Sports Biomechanics,
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Sports Fitness Specialist
NASM Flexibility Specialist
Gateway workshops: Thai massage, levels 1 and 2
The London Reiki Academy: First Degree and Second Degree Reiki​
Kinesis UK: Anatomy Trains
Sports Therapy UK / VTCT: Levels 3 and level 4 soft tissue therapy (sports and remedial massage)
Sports Therapy UK: Myofascial release
Sports Therapy UK: Neuro Spinal Assessment & Treatment
Sports Therapy UK: Taping for Sport
CPDO: Harmonic Technique
To contact me directly, please email: david@trbalance.com